Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Welcome to the fourth grade!

The Week of Oct 31st- Nov 4th

An action packed week is upon the students in 4-2. Here are the highlights:
  • Halloween Parade 2:15 start. Parent/Family viewing is in the gym
  • Grandfriend's Day on Friday, Nov. 4th. Our class will host visitors from 1:45 until about 2:10. A music program in the gym will begin around 2:30. Grandparents are welcome to visit the book fair afterwards. A note ahead of time detailing how many guests and if they will be taking their grandchild home afterwards is greatly appreciated.
  • Science continues in class. We began studying magnets last week and will continue with electricity this week.
  • Conferences are next week. Check your child's planner for your scheduled time. I am looking forward to seeing everyone!
Silicon Spies Electricity